So Friday night consisted of me and him sitting in raincoats and under ponchos at the Phillies game, a game that they luckily won. On a side note, the guy who has the season tickets next to ours wrote a book about the 2008 Phillies and included a picture of us after they won the World Series last year. Can't wait to see the book, but I hope this doesn't count as my 15 minutes of fame.

(Here's us at a much sunnier game, since I didn't take pictures on Friday.)
On Saturday morning, we drove out to Jersey to spend the day with my family for my mom's birthday. There was good food, lots of laughter, a serious game of Taboo, and of course presents. Then my poor husband had to sit (read: fall asleep on the couch) through yet another round of "Who's the latest high school classmate that's pregnant/in jail/married/still living at home." It's a game that my mom and I seem to play quite a bit. There is no question where my love of gossip comes from!
We headed back on Sunday morning so that Geoff could get back for his first softball game of the season. Being a delinquent wife, I stayed at home and took up residence on the couch since I was tired from being up so late chatting with my parents the night before, while Geoff snoozed on the couch. I caught bits and pieces of the Eagles' game, and then topped off the weekend with a fabulous dinner at Legal Sea Foods to celebrate Geoff's mom's birthday. Wine, seafood casserole and chocolate mousse all in one meal = a happy Jessica whose pants are a bit too tight.
Good times, but once again it's Monday, and I'm exhausted. On the bright side, fall TV is back in full force, and tonight I get to indulge my inner 14 year-old girl with Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill! It's the small things that get me through the day...
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